Cold Catalyst Filter
Cold Catalyst filter, the newest air disinfection innovation from America. Decompose and absorb various toxins such as formaldehyde until you get clean air.
The system cleans itself after every use. After use for about 10 minutes, use air to remove water and moisture remaining in the machine until dry. Prevents bacteria or fungus from forming. which is the cause of the unpleasant odor
Prime Guard (Indoor)
The inside cooling coil is specially designed with a gold coating. which is highly resistant to acid and alkaline reactions Thus helping to prevent corrosion and water buildup.
3D Air Flow distributes cool, clean air to you.
Automatic wind direction adjustment system both vertically and horizontally Helps distribute cool air in all directions, 110 degrees vertically and 120 degrees horizontally, for a cool and comfortable experience no matter where you are in the room.