Billion shades of color with Quantum Dot technology
Quantum Dot technology takes light and transforms it into breathtaking color that feels beautiful and realistic at any brightness level to deliver the best picture ever.
Smart hub
Discover your favorite content in one place
Improve content organization and discovery, so you spend less time searching and more time streaming the movies, games, and shows you enjoy
The best home assistant
Relax and let SmartThings seamlessly connect, monitor and control all your smart devices to intuitively control your home through the built-in hub.
*Available technology, features and services may vary by country, service provider, network environment or product and are subject to change without notice. * Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or other wireless network connection and Samsung account login are required. * Connected devices can be purchased separately. To use the calm technology, you must accept the SmartThings privacy policy and the use of the automatically registered device.* The user interface is subject to change without prior notice.
Motion Xcelerator
Smooth movement for a winning game
Motion Xcelerator automatically estimates and compensates for frames, so the picture adapts as fast as the game.